Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Bringing in 2009!

I hope everyone had a good Christmas. Mine was pretty good. There ended up being like 13 people at my house, there were no leftovers. The next day Christopher's family arrived at like 3:30pm, they took a shuttle to the base, he had to go get them from one of the gates. They pulled up and I walked down stairs and you just hear "SARAH!!!" Cylar, his cousin, was pretty excited to see me, I was excited to see her too, her and I had gotten close before we moved here. The Grandma was pretty excited too, even though she had a broken toe and her foot was all swollen, poor thing. Well the all came up and looked at our house, they all said it was cute, which made me happy. They all liked my dog too, especially Carter, who is six, not seven! I asked him how old he was and that's what he said, "I am six, not seven!". He has a birthday coming up and doesn't want anyone to refer to him as seven yet, because it doesn't count. They couldn't get a room at the hotel on base, so they were just going to get some air mattresses and crash here. Well everyone was hungry so we decided to go get Chinease food, we had to take to trips to get there. Well everyone was just about finished with there food when we hear loud ass thunder, bright ass lightneen, pouring down rain, then all of a sudden, the lights go out. I thought it would have been the perfect time to dine and dash, but we didn't. We scrunched everyone into the car and headed home, everything was black, it was creepy. We get to my house and get all the candles we can find. We couldn't see anything. We tried to watch a movie on Christopher's laptop, then it died, so we all just went to bed. The power came back on at like 6am. So thank god it came back. That day his Aunt and Christopher went to the store to buy some food for them to cook, only half of the commissary was open because they had to inspect the meat and frozen food because of the blackout. They were there for a while, then they finally came back and his Aunt made tacos, and his Grandma made stuffed cabbage, both of wich, were BOMB. Then the sun started to come out so we headed for North Shore, which is the beach closest to my house. We took the dog with us, his Grandma stayed home, she wanted to take a nap, and she got an earlier flight to leave that night, so she needed to get her stuff together. North Shore was fun, they had a lot of cute shops and stuff, they had a market that has world famous shaved ice, it was pretty good, George Clooney's picture was up in there, so it must be good. Then we came home, Christopher, his Aunt, Cylar, and Cole(the oldes of the cousins), went to the PX. I stayed and me and Grandma watched the movie What Happens in Vegas, very funny movie. Then at about 9pm we took her to the Airport and came home and played a couple games of SceneIT, then I went to bed. Christopher and his cousin stayed up to play some Xbox, then I woke up the next morning to some bomb ass breakfast. We spent most of the day in Waikiki at the beach, it was fun, then we took them to the Airport at about 9pm. It was a short but sweet visit. Everyone had fun, which is good.

Tonight we are spending New Years Eve at Aloha Tower, they are going to have performers and fireworks at midnight and little shops open, it should be fun, I haven't been there before. I hope everyone has a good and safe new years : )

As soon as his Aunt sends me all the pictures, I will make a video or something for you all to see.


Arlene said...

I am glad that you had fun and the black out didn't stop Christophers family from getting there. I am glad that the sun came out for a while. I hope you guys have fun tonight, whatch out for the crazy folks on the roads.