My thanksgiving was really good. My turkey turned out really good, and all the other food was really good as well. Here are a few pictures. I hope my family is faving fun at Knott's today. I got a package in the mail this afternoon and I was really happy about it. I got some chex mix, and some cookies, some socks, a cool shirt, my mom picked up my jewelry box for me from Kiddie Kandids and send it to me, and even sent christopher some guitar hero chonies, he was excited about that. I got a note from everyone which was also nice. So thank you very much. I tried to call and say thanks but everyone was probably busy eating chicken. : )This is a picture of our little family lol, I took a break from cooking. We were waiting for everyone to get to our house.
Christopher made this, it's kind of like the peanut butter, cheerios thing, only he melted a snickers bar in it, he called it monkey poop. Yeah, I don't know either... haha
This is a picture of my bomb stuffing.
This is Christopher carving my masterpiece.
I made these yams, Christopher liked them. So did Danielle's husband Greg, they were the only two who liked yams. More for them.
These are the greens that Danielle made, they were so bomb, I ate so much of them.
I made some cheddar biscuits red lobster style, they were pretty good.
This is Danielle & Gregg's son Elijah, he is so cute, he was trying to help me do the dishes.
This was our table of deliciousness.
The Gift Of Magic
8 years ago
Monkey poop? Is that a traditional Thanksgiving treat of Hawaii?
I was wondering that too. And where is the spam?
yeah where is the spam and the peanut butter cups....
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